Book cover design
Role: Design / Illustration / Concept / 3D
My Approach
I tried to think of something iconic that embodied storytelling as a whole. The camp fire is one of the oldest story telling forums in human history. So I knew I wanted to create a campfire scene. I enjoy working in 3D, and I had been wanting to create something that felt like origami or paper craft. Originally I thought it would be interesting if the scene itself were made from "stories" printed on the paper that made up the scene. A story scape made up of stories. A bit of inception. This turned out to be a bit too busy but my overall direction was still cool. I didn't want the scene to be a story itself, but more a catalyst to create a story or to sit down and enjoy a story. The inclusion of the wire framed mountains in the background was a nod to digital and the idea of digital systems thinking as a whole.
Cinema 4D + Photoshop
directional guidance on internal chapter covers
Storyscaping in the wild
The low poly fire that I created has become iconic within Sapient over the last year. A physical version was created for a series called "fireside chats". There has been a huge push to promote Storyscaping in social media, augmented reality, virtual reality and various other digital activations. Additionally the low poly style has spread organically throughout the SapientNitro to stylistically welcome you via lobby screens globally.