

The goal of this project was to create a unified digital brand experience for Starbucks. We needed to ensure that every interaction fulfilled on Starbucks’ brand mission to inspire the human spirit from the very first engagement. These comps were my original concepts and thinking for the new responsive solution. 


Role: Associate Creative Director / Design


An intelligent Experience

By simply knowing a users location you can begin to create an experience that anticipates needs. Knowing a location means you also know the time of day and the weather. As it turns out the time of day and weather are a huge motivating factor in determining the type of coffee or food a person might want. A cup of coffee and a scone in the morning. An iced tea and a sandwich on a hot summer afternoon. Maybe a hot chocolate on a brisk winter night.  The second you layer in things like customer loyalty, purchase history and preference you can start to create a truly intelligent experience.



A homepage that feels truly local, familiar and helpful. 


A more anticipative, helpful and rewarding mobile experience


Dynamic content bundling

This module was designed to group content based on what is trending in combination with promotions, user history, time and location. These dynamic content groupings organically blend products, editorial, news, social chatter, local happenings and subscription opportunities in a concise experience. These bundles are a living, breathing entity that is always changing.



Product page