A more local, no hassle, secure way to approach buying and selling everyday goods.
Role: Design / UX / Prototyping
Responsible for the entire application design, user experience, interactive prototype creation and branding.
Homepage Feed
A scrollable card based feed of local products for sale. This product feed allows you to sort and refine products based on groups, location, category, rating and distance. A traditional scroll allows you to browse products quickly while swiping left and right allows you to view multiple images of a specific product. An additional ability to quickly and easily see who the seller is. Up/down rating system rewards great products and sellers encouraging a more active, honest, community. Filtering and Search collapses away on scroll for more viewable area. A simple scroll up reveals filtering again based on user intent. "Didnt find what you needed?" Let us help you Search or Filter the results to find exactly what you needed.
Main Menu
Shopping bag
Product feed menu
An easier to use product page
Additional imagery, product description, seller rating, delivery options, location and a comment feed.
Product Page Post
An easy to use interface for selling products.
Product page details
Give it a title, some details, images, and post it.
order Monitoring
An easy to use tactile interface with order tracking, messaging, and notifications. Once the transaction is completed both parties swipe to confirm. Only then will payment be made and receipts be issued for the completed transaction.
Track your order
Transaction completion
Receipt of purchase
Profile Details Page
An easy to use profile page which tracks a users favorite products, votes, groups, location and user rating.
Profile Sign Up
Settings Dashboard
Add an Image
Order History
Multi-Group selection
Camera View
Add a Credit Card
Manage Credit Cards
Brand Identity
Shopping should be a more pleasant experience. The core principle of DIBS is the ability to buy and sell goods safely and securely. The DIBS icon is not only a shopping bag, its a confident and happy purchase. The handle on the shopping bag conveys a smile. And this is exactly how each and every shopping transaction should end. With a smile. The slab typeface of DIBS was created to read extremely well on mobile devices while still conveying strength and stability from a brand recognition perspective.